Thursday, May 10, 2012

Check it off the list (mostly)

I love getting things done.  It's especially awesome because most days I get home from work and sit on the couch blubbering about my achy back, pelvic pain, itchy butt (yes this is a thing now) and how none of my shoes fit.  So, the fact that my little $15 nightstand is transformed makes me really happy.  The starting point: 
I scuffed it up with some 220 grit sandpaper because that is what I found first, and time between bathroom breaks cannot be squandered searching for 150 grit sandpaper.   
A coat of Cover Stain spray and another sanding with 220 later, it was ready to be slathered with a new shiny paint job. 
The first coat of BM Satin Impervo in Decorator's White was lookin mighty fine. 
This paint is a dream.  A sweet dream, like the ones where you aren't pregnant and are knocking back gallon-sized drinks on your honeymoon in Jamaica. it is with the second coat and the fancy new hardware on it.  I love how the knobs look like monster eyeballs!   
I finished off the top with this Varathane water-based poly recommended by Centsational Girl is nice and thick and dries super fast.  I used a brush to apply it after a failed attempt to use too-small underwear as a rag.  Yeah, let's not talk about it.      
I feel so much better having a beautiful, protected top surface for next to the glider. Considering it may get splattered with, ah, 'liquids'...I appreciate the extra protection for my paint job.  I may or may not do a second coat, I haven't decided yet.  
I love how it turned out, although I do have a little problem...
Not my toes, those are fabulous because I just got them done Tuesday.  Holla for pretty sausage toes!  No the problem is, why the heck do they make those bolts for the hardware so long?  I either need to cut them or get new ones.  What the?  Regardless, I love this before and after.   
And to celebrate hitting my 'full term' milestone this week, here's my 37 week belly:
I've been told I haven't 'dropped' yet.  Thanks, that is helpful.  


  1. Oh Sara, you are so cute! Look at that baby belly!

  2. LOL too small underwear!

    And you and your prego belly are adorable.

  3. Squeeeeee! Kisses on the belly! You look amazing and gorgeous and like a painting that Bodichelli would want to make - but could only manage in his dreams!

  4. People are full of great comments eh? Yesterday I got the "you are all belly. Belly and boobs". Um thanks guy who isn't a friend or family member. There was also the "you got huge eh?" which was also pleasant.

    The dresser looks fab, as do you!! You are all belly ;-)

  5. I noticed the screws from my Hobby Lobby knobs are like that. I just left them. Oh well.

    Nightstand looks cute

  6. Don't worry about "dropping"--I didn't drop and lo and behold, I had a baby. :)

    The nightstand looks great! My husband cuts off the extra bit with a dremmel tool. If you all don't have one, look into them. The hubby uses it all the time.

  7. I nearly spit out my drink reading about the "too small underwear as a rag." I totally do the same thing. Glad to hear I'm not the only weirdo out there! ;)

    Also, you are adorable pregnant! I imagine that when I am pregnant someday, I'll look like a blueberry with toothpick legs. It won't be pretty.

  8. you look great! the painted dresser is too cute, i like the knobs!

  9. LOL! I never dropped and my babies were both three weeks early - is that helpful? ;)

    The nightstand is crazy cute! Love the monster eye balls :)

  10. Haha I'm due on Tuesday and some people are like "wow! you haven't even dropped!" and others are like "omg, you've dropped!". Which is it people! My belly was so high to begin with that it's impossible for me to tell. You look fabulous though, my belly protrudes so much that I'm bumping into things left and right.

  11. You look wonderful- Congrats on reaching full term!

    Ps. I lol'd at the underwear... :)

  12. The table looks great and so do you! Did you use a paintbrush or foam brush or what to paint it? I don't see paint brush lines. Is it because of the paint?

  13. Sara-

    I am still waiting for a "drop it like its hotttt" joke.

    Alas, I just want to say you look incredible. Can't wait to stop back in and find a post with a new tiny smile in it!

  14. Now I'm wishing I had saved my 'too-small' underwear for house projects....the piece looks awesome.

    You are getting soooo close! Seeing this pic of you makes me so excited for the weeks ahead. They'll be life-changing but soon it'll be the 'new normal'.

    And it's OK you haven't dropped! I dropped it like it's hot but was still 2 wks past due so it didn't do shiz for me!

  15. You look amazing and so does the side table!

  16. Oh you'll know when the any has dropped. You'll be able to feel it. Looking good! Hang in there.

  17. You don't need to drop... its all a rumor anyway :-) Your baby will find its way out, its not as if it has extra miles and miles to travel if you don't Drop....Love the dresser, its nice having furniture that looks back at you!

  18. You look awesome!!! And people frantically tell me all day long that I've dropped and I'm GOING TO HAVE A BABY ANY DAY NOW... which is also not very helpful. People are annoying. ;)
    Your dresser looks AWESOME!! Good for you for being so productive!! :):)

  19. You look FABULOUS! Enjoy these last few weeks! Can't wait to see photos of the sweet baby! :)

  20. Hi! I'm 37 weeks along too! Due 6/2! Have just found your blog and you are inspiring projects for me to work on!! Thanks!

  21. LMAO at the "too small underwear". That sounds like something I would do... well, something I would do if I didn't come home from work, put on my PJs and sit in bed drifting in and out of sleep before finally removing my contacts and surrendering to the sandman at 8:30 (I'm 26 weeks pregnant, that's my excuse).

    You look great and you have a fantastic sense of humor! I'm just about 10 weeks behind you... due August 18th.

  22. This post made me laugh on several occasions. The itchy butt (I've had that too) and the too-small underwear as poly applicator (hilarious). I just finished painting a new shelf in the nursery hutch and I'm thinking I should try that poly. I need something.

  23. PS - You look awesome! And, why do people tell you that you haven't dropped. Everyone's an expert. Annoying.

  24. it looks adorable!

    I have some similar knobs, and i have taped some cotton balls around the sharp pointy edges.


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