That is what I’m in right now. At least, I think you could classify my day-to-day as surviving. I’m alive in the technical sense, but not so much in the ‘I feel so ALIVE!’ sense.
(Since this post is kind of a bitchfest, I’m peppering in some cute pictures of my baby to prove that no matter what I say, I love him and am so happy he is in my life. Yes, I prove my love with the amount of pictures I take.)
About 4 hours after I returned to work from maternity leave, my baby decided to go from being a loving, sweet, smiley, sleepy bundle of goodness to a raging, screaming, clinging, no-sleeping, angry fussball. And he has pretty much been that way for the last 5 weeks.
Ever since he was born, I’ve been very chill about crying fits, fussiness, messes, whatever Ash could throw at me. Until I went back to work and didn’t have the ability to just hang at home during the day anymore. Now, sleep matters. Now, I have to do all the same amounts of crap in a couple hours after work while trying to breastfeed a fussy baby. Now, I have to prepare my pumping bag, pick out a business-casual outfit that actually fits on my (still 10 pounds heavier) bod, shower, do my hair, etc etc. Holy heck, PUMPING. I cannot tell you how many days I got to work and realized I forgot my bottles. Or the stupid LIDS. I’ve pumped into a red solo cup in the mother’s room. I’ve taped paper over the bottle top to hold me over until I could run home at lunch to grab the lids. It’s been a complete nightmare, regardless of whether I prepare the night before or the morning of. I’m constantly late to work, even on days that Ash wakes up at 4am with no hope of going back to sleep. Yes, I am up since 4am and I am STILL late to work. Does someone want to explain that to me?
I feel like I need a time-management coach to follow me around all day and tell me what I’m doing wrong. Maybe it’s the fact that I wander from room to room, never quite remembering why I am there...what was I doing, again? What am I supposed to grab in here? Do I have pants on? Do I have boobie pads in my bra? Did I almost brush my teeth with Neosporin? {YES, this happened} This is my morning, and half the time all these thoughts are going through my head while I’m listening to Ash cry. Many mornings I have longed for my childless days and have tried to stop myself from yelling in his little red face. All that translates into a terrible day that I'm just trying to get through. This is not living, in my opinion.
Shaun is traveling a lot, so there are many mornings that I am doing everything myself. Sometimes everything is cake and I’m able to get baby changed, dressed, and in his Baby Bjorn seat by 7:30. If nothing goes wrong, I’m able to get out the door to daycare by 7:40, through the Dunkin drive-thru for a treat of iced coffee, and triumphantly arrive at work on time - which for me, means 8:03 or earlier. But most of the time, I'm so exhausted in the morning that I'm late getting up, I can’t find my keys (they are in my purse or the door, usually), and I can't find my purse. Sometimes I put my keys in my purse and then wander around the house for 5 minutes looking for my purse. I'm TIRED. Again, this is not living.
Ash has become a bad sleeper. We’ve tried a dark room, fan (it’s pretty loud and I’ve noticed he does sleep longer with it on), humidifier, swaddling, not swaddling, half-swaddling, pacifier, holding his hands down, rocking, shushing, all of it. All of them have helped to put him to sleep, but he doesn't stay asleep consistently. He doesn’t like being on his tummy, I always find him on one side or the other. Up until last week, he was waking up every couple hours. Right now he's going down between 8-9pm, waking up anywhere between 2-4, and then sleeping again until 5:30-6:30. He takes two long naps at daycare. We really can't get him to nap for long periods here. The kid is exhausting....but I am happy to see that his sleeping patterns are getting better. When he sleeps from 8-4, that's great. I can't really complain about one night feeding per night, he is only 4 months old. I do wish he was less fussy while awake, but I guess this will pass. So now, the good stuff...
Ashford holds teethers, toys, my hair, blankets, and everything else tightly - and brings them all into his mouth. He even grabs his paci and pops it back into his mouth when he knocks it out. Yeah! He can now roll over back to front, and front to back...which I think is just awesome. He can push his whole chest off the ground while on his belly, even though he is fussing because he doesn't like being in that position. He can support so much of his weight on his legs. When we help him stand, we are barely holding his little hands. He is making wet raspberry noises and trying to stick his tongue out, spitting everywhere. It is the cutest thing. He will mimic you if you make a noise, which is also THE CUTEST THING. His 4 month appt is Monday, I'm looking forward to seeing how much he weighs, because LOOK AT THOSE CANKLES, PEOPLE! Now if you will excuse me, I have to go to bed because this dude will be up in no time.
Thanks for listening to my rambling, I appreciate any stories you want to share with me about your own baby woes!