Ashford turned 10 months
old on the 5th.
He has two more top teeth coming in, which brings his grand total
to 6. He has also eaten all the paint off his pretty white crib. I
got this just
in time to not prevent the damage. Luckily, it works, and I guess I can
always touch up the crib later. Grumble grumble.
This kid has been all over the place, non-stop. He is able
to walk with a walker toy, stand without holding on, and crawls and scoots on
his knees so fast! He also loves to randomly cry for no apparent reason,
and has started crying when other people hold him. Boo.
We have started adding some formula to his bottles so I can pump
less. He hasn't been that interested in nursing (and loves to bite!), so
it seemed natural to stop that at this point. I'm sad about it, but I
will still be pumping for a while, and he will have my milk until he's 1.
It was a good run.
Unfortunately, he still doesn't like to eat solids, whether it's
purees, pasta, fruits, meat, you name it. I joke that I will have to give
this kid formula until he's 2 because he won't eat anything. I joke in a
sad, defeated way. I hope he comes around, we are both tired of wrestling
with him over food! At least he still loves baths.
So, that is the kid in a nutshell. Keeping us on our toes,
and keeping me from wasting the day by sleeping past 6am. Ever.
I am taking him to swim lessons this Saturday, I can't wait!
Although, I'm less than thrilled to get myself into a suit. I did
find one that
flatters my 'still 5 pounds to lose' bod, though...just in case you are