Friday night my sweet hubby primed the entire room with a high-quality primer (220 Wall Prep) from Hallman Lindsay. It was a fabulous product, went on very smooth and covered the wallboard in one coat.
Here's where it's at today!
Doesn't it look HUGE in there? Also, these pics were taken with my favorite Christmas present:
The Sigma 10-20mm f/4-5.6 EX DC HSM Ultra-Wide Angle Lens for my Canon Rebel! This lens is so fabulous, it almost makes me angry. We can all thank my wonderful mom for the improved pictures on the blog, ok? In other news, I'm thickening up at an alarming rate....
This was taken at 17 weeks (I'm currently 18) and I've gained 12 pounds so far....yikes! I'm finally giving in to the maternity clothes at work because regular pants were just killing my belly while sitting all day. I'm feeling ok, just crying over still-horrible acne and a general feeling of not wanting to do anything. Wah wah.
Next week is the big vote is GIRL, and hopefully she stops messing with my hormones very soon! Have a great New Year's Eve, everyone!