This porch is right next to the driveway and is what we walk through to get to our back door in the kitchen. It's really not even a porch, as there are no screens. And it's not a sunROOM because it has no framing or insulation. So, right now it's pretty much a storage area because we don't know what to do with it. LAME!
It has a screen door that the cats can totally open if we don't make sure to pull it shut. This door has started many rounds of the 'find the cat' game in our neighborhood, which I'm sure the neighbors find charming. At least that's what I tell myself.
It is a good-sized space, 9 x 15 feet. Since it has those awesome french doors that lead into the den, (remember when the other side of them was maroon?) it has great potential to be an indoor-outdoor extention of that room. The door to the kitchen is on the right.
There is a non-operable window that brings tons of light into the kitchen. I love it, but I can't help but think how cool it would be to have an open-able window to pass booze through to my guests!? Booze is very important when planning our spaces, you know?
The beadboard ceiling is fab, but the light fixture will definitely be replaced with something more interesting.
Shaun came home one day last summer and told me he saw a nice wood loveseat on the curb down the street. I was surprised he mentioned it, since he hates random furniture laying around. I'm glad he said something, because it will be nice when I get around to fixing it up! Don't mind all the lumber on top and the pink bedsheet on the cushions.
There are many things that need to be fixed in this room, like the lack of screened windows, the dirty brick floor, and the completely rotted wood on one side:
The room is pretty drafty as well (usually the case when there is no insulation!), so we're talking to some contractors about rebuilding the wood areas and installing new windows and a storm door. I can't wait to see how great this space can be, just in time for summer!