Monday, November 14, 2011


Our driveway is finished, and it's oh-so-nice to drive on. 
Since I took these photos, we have filled in all the dug out areas with dirt.  I'm just too lazy to take more pics. 
I definitely had some plant casualties.  I'm hoping this Autumn Joy forgives me next spring! 
Everything is nice and neat and clean.  Unlike the inside of our house.  Yes, I owe you a kitchen post.  Shaun and I are still breakdance-fighting over some details, so I will update you as soon as possible.  We are also furiously shaking all the neighbor's trees, hoping some cash will fall out of them.  No such luck thus far. 


  1. Yay looks perfect! Don't worry 'Autumn Joy' Sedum is one of the hardest plants I have. It normally looks great this time of year but this year it doesn't look much different than yours. It will be back and better than ever.

  2. lovely new driveway! good luck with the kitchen discussions, we've been having many of those ourselves...

  3. It does look so neat and clean. Do you not have trees? Where are all the falling leaves from Fall?? That sedum is pretty hardy, I bet it'll come back. I've done some pretty horrid things to ours (at The Old House)and it always seems to survive.

  4. The driveway looks great!

    Can't wait to read the kitchen updates :)

  5. Ooooh, that is one purdy driveway :)

  6. well....I think it look great! nice improvement!

  7. The driveway looks really nice! Hope those plants come back. You have such a green thumb, I'm sure they will!

    And what exactly is breakdance-fighting? ;)

  8. Your driveway is lookin' good! And I lol'd at breakdance-fighting. =)

  9. The driveway looks great! Can't wait to hear the kitchen details!

  10. Ahh, looks perfect. I'm sure it feels so good to see it when you arrive home everyday!

    Ah the shaking of money trees. I tried that before, no luck either.

  11. Looks really good. Very neat and clean!

  12. Whoa! What an awesome looking driveway!

  13. Whoo-whee! It looks so fresh and brand new! (Because it is, obviously.) Very nice.


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