Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Old and new

We have been given some wonderful antiques for baby from our family.  My sweet aunt Shar, who sadly passed away this month, gave us this beautiful baby carriage from the turn of the century:
She was an antiques collector her whole life, so to get one of her treasures was a dream come true for me. 
I can't wait to get a new pad inside and get it ready for lots of weekly photos of our baby boy.  She also gave us this Moses basket, I envision this being a spot to stash blankets, toys, and possibly the little dude all swaddled up.
Shaun's mom and dad brought over his old rocking chair, I just love how wee it is.  Shaun tried to sit in it and we heard a snapping noise, so we hope it's still ok!  Ooops. 
My mom also fixed up my old bassinet, but it's still at her house so I don't have a photo yet.  It is white, wicker, and beautiful!  Our families are so excited about the baby, we can't thank them enough for all the great items full of memories.  As for the new (to me), I finished repainting the dresser:
I used Pittsburgh Paints 'Grass Daisy' in a semi-glass finish, and THAT PAINT IS HORRIBLE.  I bought both the closet paint and this quart at the same time, and they will both be brought back to Menards with my request of a store credit for my time and frustration.  From going on like glue to having tons of lumps of paint in the can, I can't tell you enough how much this prego lady wanted to KILL someone while painting (4 coats!) on this thing. 
And I still have to put the missing brass corners back on.  Ugh.  Thank goodness the color is fabulous and I love it!  Baby Hilton is doing good at 31 weeks, here I am yesterday:
I've gained 28 pounds, have horrible heartburn every night no matter what, and can't sleep to save my life.  I didn't let it stand in the way of having some St. Patty's day fun, though. 
We stayed out until 11pm that Saturday!  Watch out, party animals in the house. 


  1. Sorry you had such a headache with that paint, grrr, but the color is FABULOUS. And how special that you are able to receive such warm and heartfelt gifts from your families, especially your aunt. You've got one cute prego belly! :)

  2. that sucks on the paint, but the color is fantastic! And you are looking soooo adorable, it almost makes me want to be pregnant again.

  3. That stroller is awesome! It will make some adorable pictures with your little one in it. You're looking beautiful!

  4. You're looking fabulous Sara and I am so envious, that baby carriage is just lovely! xx

  5. looove the paint color! it looks great with the brass hardware too.

    the family gifts are extra special. that little rocking chair is super cute.

  6. The paint may have been horrible to use, but the colour is fabulous. Grass Daisy ... yes!

  7. Ugh, I remember that part of pregnancy all too well and I'm 7 months postpartum! Talk about great birth control! :) The good news is the heartburn is gone as soon as you deliver, the sleeping situation, not so much. Ha! But the rest you do get is wonderful.

    What beautiful pieces you've inherited! I'm really looking forward to baby H's finished room.

  8. The dresser really does look amazing, but what a pain about the paint. Bad paint is the worst!

    I love the Moses basket and I can't wait to see the pictures in the carriage. What a unique piece!

    I'm sorry you are having heartburn and sleeping company. Misery loves company and I've been having the same problem - sleeping has been miserable lately, and the acid reflux doesn't help. Oh well, it will all be worth it, right? You look awesome!

  9. Heartburn means your baby will have lots of hair...honest!!

  10. You look great!!! And I love all the heirlooms - my babies slept in the same cradle their father and grandfather slept in for the first 8 weeks right next to my bed :)

    And that dresser is to die for!!

  11. The paint sounds like an absolute nightmare but it looks AWESOME. Love the color!

  12. what lovely gifts for your families! how thoughtful!Not long to go before your baby arrives :)

  13. ah, you and i are in the same boat (except i manage to sleep through pure exhaustion). is the heartburn not complete and total hell? (and caused by the weirdest things?)

    anyway, you are absolutely glowing in your photos. you carry your bump well!

  14. how special are all those touches! and how cute are you! :)

  15. The dresser looks almost as good as you do! ;)

  16. You look GREAT! I'm having a baby boy in August and his room is gray, too! I'm not as far along with the decorating, but thanks for the great ideas!

  17. That stroller is super cute. You look great!!

  18. Very cool to have all those family pieces for the the baby. Have you tried the snoogle body pillow for sleeping at night? If not try it. Sold at BRU(in Canada anyway).

  19. Maggie, I use the snoogle but the problem is my left hip just starts to hurt from sleeping on that side....which is especially annoying because we have a Tempurpedic and that is not supposed to happen! I'm a back sleeper so sleeping on my side is awkward for me. The pillow helps a little, though.

  20. you are looking so cute! I love the baby carriage. It is simply beautiful.

  21. The dresser looks awesome painted! I have a similar dresser I was thinking of painting either white or a bold color for my baby room, and you've convinced me to go with the bold color. Any tips on painting, priming, etc?

    I am 20 weeks and cannot sleep either -- same issue of waking up with my hips hurting, since I'm also not a side sleeper. I feel your pain.

  22. I love those sentimental pieces!!! and all the new fabrics you've brought to the nursery and your kitchen! and YOU, my dear, look amazing!!

  23. Aww, I love all your beautiful old and new things. This is why I might be a little sad if we have a kid down here, because it won't have family nearby to give it awesome and meaningful stuff. That sucks about the paint and the heartburn, but at least you AND the dresser look awesome!

  24. LOVE the yellow color of the dresser - sorry the paint sucked though. But the end result was worth it!!

    Now if I can only convince my husband to paint our dresser yellow instead of white...hmmm.

  25. That dresser is amazing!!!! And you look wonderful as well :)

  26. almonds I swear by almonds for the heartburn. I had it till the day I delivered and I tried everything, someone recommended eating almonds and it actually worked from then on I had almonds in pockets in the wash all the time.


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