Friday, September 7, 2012

Thank you

I can't express how much I loved reading all your positive comments about my blog identity crisis.  Thank you so much!  You all have a way of making a girl (who just took her baby to official daycare for the first week) cry at work.  And if you are my boss or coworker, I was checking my gmail on my lunch.  Just so we're clear.  Speaking of thanks, I recently received a sweet baby gift from a reader who is also a talented knitter with a successful Etsy shop, Yarnaholics.  I was so excited to get this package!
Heather, her mom and her sister knit adorable baby hats and other items.  When she asked me if she could send me one for baby the day after he arrived, I was happy to accept a cute bluebird hat for Ashford.  Love it!
And here he is wearing his hat in the poor lighting of my bedroom.  What a nice double chin.  Does he look like Chris Farley to you??
Mommy's big guy is right.  I swear, he looks small in person - the camera adds 10 pounds to this kid!
I wanted to let you all know that I have the teething tablets and YES they work, I just need to make sure I have them with me.  I also use gas relief drops when he eats, it can be a night and day difference if I don't use it.  We're doing good.  I love you guys and I'm hoping to post more often now that I have some peace of mind about not always sticking to house stuff.  Thank you from this tired but happy mom :)
(Checking out my Tempurpedic pillow, I think he approves)


  1. I didn't get a chance to comment on the last post, but I too want to reassure you that your blog identity crisis as a new mom is totally the norm! I don't have a blog, but I am a working mom of a 12-month old (WTH, when did that happen?!) and I think I have gone through an identity crisis about every month since I got pregnant. I think you do an awesome job of making your super sweet little man #1, and letting other things fall into place. Some things will continue at a somewhat normal pace (for me it has been reading and gardening), and other things (for me, running and crafting) will get pushed to the back burner. Those of us who like reading about your mom/home owner adventures will stick around!!

  2. Hi Sara, just went back to read your last post!! I think this so makes sense you really want to enjoy your family and blog about what you love and not what you have to because of money! You'll be back blogging to whatever it is your want to talk about and just know I'll be along for the ride :) Its so hard to juggle everything, but it kind-of gets easier, for my it would be easy if I lived in some country where they allow new mommies 1+ years off paid :) lol

  3. That hat is so cute! Love the color. :) Your little guy looks adorable in it too.

  4. Glad to hear you are doing well, finding solutions, and made it through your first week back at work.

  5. I how your first week went well. Or at least as well as can be expected. He is getting so big and is such a cutie. Love the hat so much. As for the camera adding 10 pounds, it's so true. Ryan was traveling for 2 weeks and when he hit back he said he looke thinned than the iPhone pics. ;)

  6. With all the stories about child abuse by nannies and caretakers that one has been hearing about off late, I couldn't help but install a nanny cam to make sure my kids are safe. I tried GotoCamera's free software, which is easy to set up and even easier to use. They have a free version of their software. However, I upgraded to their Premium service, which costs about $4 a month.

  7. I never got a chance to comment on your last post because since baby boy made his appearance I have been sucking at commenting about as much as I have been sucking at blogging. Go figure.

    I am right there with you...and you are doing so much better with actually posting. I am impressed. When he hit about 10 months I got the DIY bug back. So now the projects are happening but still no time to blog about it. But I refuse to stress myself out about it. It is my blog and I make no money from it. I started it as something fun and it needs to stay that way. So while crickets are chirping over there, I am loving my snuggly baby boy and all the moments with him. And that is what is important right now. And we be reading about whatever you decide to post about and whenever you decide to do it.

  8. YAY!! I'm so glad you love the hat, and he looks uber adorable in it! :)

  9. I'll be honest and admit I read your blog (and others) for DIY and decorating, so if the subject matter changes to other things, I probably won't read as much (I'm not a mom, so I can't identify with mom-ness ;). But that being said, I understand how life changes things. Best wishes.

  10. That hat is SO CUTE! Omg, as if he wasn't over-the-top cute already!


Thanks so much for reading....your comments mean a lot to me!