Thursday, January 6, 2011

Master bedroom today

I feel that our bedroom deserves a new post due to the new addition we've had since May.  After picking up a Pottery Barn Moorish Tile rug in 'Clementine' for our master closet, I didn't sleep well until I had procured an 8x10 version for our bedroom.  You see, they weren't in production anymore, and there were only about 9 on Ebay at the time.  I finally broke out the Paypal when there were only 2 left.  It is glorious, and Shaun claims it's his favorite rug ever.  I totally agree. 
It makes me so happy everyday.  Is that shallow?  Yes, but isn't it better than a cheaper rug that makes you go 'Meh' when you wake up?  You can see the old Craigslist rug in the first post about the room.  The best part is that I paid $200 for the old rug, and I got most of my money back when I sold it to a nice couple for $150.  Craigslist ninja!

The new guy is quite striking when you walk in the room, I think it's totally worth the $440 price tag.   
Oh yeah, and the last bedroom post didn't have the chandelier!  I get SO many complements on this fixture. 
The chair corner is not my favorite, but I'm not bothered enough to really do anything about it.  Have I ever sat in the chair to read a magazine?  Hell no.  And I have to keep it covered with a blanket at all times because the cats scratch the piping.  Ugh, at least it was cheap. 
Sitting on the bed, you can see all the way through to my dressing room with the yellow Moorish Tile rug.  I guess it's safe to say I think Pottery Barn's people are morons for discontinuing this rug!  I would probably buy it in every color. 
I can't wait for all our floors to be espresso - that line is so annoying.  This trunk was an Ebay find about 7 years ago.  I keep out of season shoes in there...just in case you were wondering.  At least I think that's what is in there.
I love the new rug, and I love our room. 
The end.


  1. Your bedroom looks so calm and beautiful! I LOVE the clementine rug and I love that huge dresser!

  2. The new rug is perfect!! Oh... and it's my favourite colour {{sigh}}. I'm jealous!!

  3. Is it weird & creepy to say I want to live in your bedroom? Perfection.

  4. Very nice color combo. The punches of color are fun and cheery without being too cutesy.

  5. Wow. I love it... especially since lately I have been on this orange kick [along with yellowt's fabulous!

  6. This looks great - and I daresay will look even better with espresso floors! Do plan to DIY again?

  7. Love the wall color, what is that? (You know I'm stealing paint colors left and right for my "master house color plan")

    The rug is also awesome. It's a great bedroom!

  8. YESSSS! You go girl. You know my heart is with you on this rug. Why fight fabulous-ness?! So glad you went with it!

  9. Love the rug. Pottery Barn always seems to discontinue the best rugs.

  10. Rug is perfect in there! Room looks great :-)

  11. that rug is great. Are you guys going to sand and finish the floors yourself?

  12. That rug is beautiful and I think the chair is fine. It kinda just blends in... not offensive at all. Okay, I love your entire house... makes me want to buy a new one and start all over again!

  13. Looks awesome! Don't you hate it when your favourite items that you planned on buying are discontinued. I am experiencing that with an Ikea ceiling light that we have in one room and planned to have in two more.....I can't seem to find them anywhere online.

  14. love it! i really like the orange combined with the wall color. i have a similar wall color in my bedroom, maybe i need something orange!! :-)

  15. Your entire upstairs leaves me pea green with envy! Dressing rooms, posh rugs, room for useless chairs...oy!

  16. i feel like this is awesome because it's so pretty but not girly...oh the fine line. :) and ohmygosh, you ARE a craigslist ninja! when will you be offering the "how i'm better at craigslist than you are" webinar? i'd love to pre-register.

  17. I totally dig it. Of course I'm rocking the pop of orange in my bedroom too, so I might be biased.

  18. I LOVE that rug! It totally makes the bedroom. Well, that and the chandelier. Either way, I agree - PB are morons for discontinuing the rug. If they still sold it, I'd buy it in a heartbeat for our living room!


  19. Oh Sara, it's BEAUTIFUL! What cheerful pictures. I love them!

  20. Sara .. Beautiful ... you have such a good eye for colour.
    Love the rug.

  21. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the chandelier!!!

  22. The rug is fabulous - love the colors of your master bedroom, but PLEASE tell me that it's not always that neat and clean. Lie if you have to.

  23. You are dang right you deserve a nice rug that makes you smile! I think it makes your room look eclectic and fun. Nice purchase. : )

  24. I love the new rug too. The orange and aqua look so great together.

  25. Love! Looks amazing with your back pillowcases--they look like they are part of the same collection. And, absolutely love the chandy--where did you get it?

  26. I love how the color of the rug matches the lady in the poster's hair!

  27. This rug kills the old one. Good choice. Very.


  28. yes yes, that was a good call! i could rest easy in that room, too, now. the rug makes all the difference and makes the orange in the pillows and artwork pop more.

  29. Oh that rug kills me- it's so gorgeous! Totally worth the $$~

  30. and i'm droooooling. again. simply stunning! you will NEVER see pics of our bedroom. no way. :)

  31. This is seriously the best room. I love the mix of colors and the orange is so vibrant! So unlike my room. I'm thinking I need to find myself an orange pillow because it's so striking.

    And, the rug? Beautiful. Totally worth the money. (Easier said when it's not my money, right?)

  32. Your room is perfection...the rug is perfect and i love all the pops of orange it brings out! what a sanctuary!!!

  33. Love the rug, it is so bright and cheerful!

    Just letting you know that I have passed the Stylish Blogger award onto you

  34. It looks great! I love the complimentary colors in there now! I used to have your old rug in my old place. It's currently in my garage, maybe I'll stick it on eBay as well :)

  35. I'm so head over heels for your house and this room it's not even funny. I love the style and the colors. I can't wait to see it with the dark floors! That rug is amazing!

  36. The rug is perfection with the rest of your room. As awesome as your bedroom is right now, the espresso floor will make a huge difference!

  37. The bedroom is so pretty.I really like the colors. I love what you did with the trunk. I have an old trunk upstairs and after seeing this I am going to have my husband bring it down so I can make it look so cute like yours! Thanks.

  38. Love that rug and I love that print on the wall, that's one of my favorite cheap wines!

  39. I LOVE your wall color! That's what I'm going for in my bedroom makeover, but since I opt to choose from paint chips, I ended up with blue! I'm jealous! :)

  40. The new rug is definitely icing on the cake. I love it!

  41. Wow, that rug is gorgeous!! It's the type of rug I dream of when my eyes are closed. Your room is just absolutely magnificent and even your master closet is an upscale retreat!

    And may I say that you 2 work at the speed of lightning? Lee and I are way sloooow. We need some of that gusto. What's up next in your house? Charging full speed ahead or taking a quick breather?

  42. It looks like a magazine spread... I assume you're using your new tripod? The room turned out ridiculously awesome. I don't think a rug making you happy is superficial, I think admitting it is honest. I wish I could find anything that makes me that happy!

  43. what a great pop of color for your master bedroom!!! the room has a great layered feeling now. that rug makes me happy too!

  44. what a gorgeous room and that rug really sets it off! I can't believe they would discontinue such a beautiful rug - the colour and pattern are so on-trend! LOVE IT! :)

  45. Wow, your rug makes such a statement! Looks great with your other colours.

    That light fixture is b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l. :)

  46. Wow your bedroom is sooooooo nice! I love it!!!! and the rug is stunning

  47. ooh what a nice way to use blue and orange always make me think of the bears when I hear the two mentioned together but this room looks so pretty I dont even think of football. LOVE your rug

  48. Oh my gosh. Your bedroom is gorgeous. I'm completely jealous and taking lots of mental notes as I attempt to reno of our master bath and redo of the master bedroom.

  49. What is the fabric on that cute orange and blue accent pillow on the bed? So cute!

  50. Meagan, that pillow was purchased from an Etsy seller lilybethgoodies...I'm not sure what fabric she used!

  51. What color/brand is the paint? I just love it!

  52. Abby, the color is Behr Aqua Smoke, in flat finish!

  53. Hi! I saw your room on With Two Cats!!!! It is just what I'm aiming for right now! I just can't seem to find bedding that I really click with! Where did you get your duvet cover, or is it a quilt/coverlet? Thank you so much!

  54. Anon, oh I wish I had a way to contact you! That bedding was a comforter set from TJ Maxx, so I'm almost positive you will never find it. However, I saw something similar at Burlington Coat Factory not too long ago, so you may want to hunt around for something like it. Good luck!


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