Thursday, April 28, 2011

Guest post!

Hey peeps, Liz at It's Great to be Home has my guest post up today!  Yes, I realize it's very late at night, at least in Central time, but I'm a little busy 'getting married in a week' yes, I'm a bit late!  Please go check out the post here, all about how much I love hooks because I'm lazy. 
Also, I wanted to show you our outfits for Wacky Wednesday this week...the challenge was complementary colors (opposites on the color wheel)...
...I chose orange and blue, my favorite combo!
Jean slid her tiny ninja body into some delicious purple and yellow attire.  We were colorful and 'business sexy,' don't you think?   
We didn't plan the nude pumps, I swear.  I also find it funny that our shoulders have no hope of meeting up in this pic!     


  1. You both look great! Wacky Wednesday is not so wacky to me! :-)

  2. You girls have such a wonderful, fun style. I love the outfits you two put together. I get strange looks in my office when I pair my awesome red shoes with a navey dress.

    Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials.

  3. you guys look fantastic :) enjoy this next week!! you'll show that Kate Middleton what a REAL bride looks like :)

  4. Love your wacky wednesdays idea - makes dressing much more fun!

    ANDD have a greattt and stress-free wedding! :-D (be sure to eat your cake! I barely did... and it was all gone, I was sads)

  5. Love those nude pumps, Sara! The wedding countdown is almost over, how exciting!

  6. I asked my friends at work if they wanted to do Wacky Wednesday outfits too. We need some ideas so keep us updated!

  7. I am a new follower!!! I just hafta tell ya that I absolutely LOVE your dressing room curtains!!

  8. Congrats, girl!!! Enjoy the next couple of weeks and soak it all in!!!

    I'm super jealous. The honeymoon was seriously the best week of my life. Enjoy every sun filled, booze drenched moment of it!! :)

  9. You girls are so dang cute!!

  10. Thanks again for doing the guest post, and I love your Wacky Wednesday idea - so fun!


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