Monday, June 20, 2011


Well, I'm 32 years old today. 

Yup, it's true.   

I thought I'd share some old pics of me and my family as a tribute to the last three decades of them putting up with me!  Here's me and mom in 1980, I believe...she made the cutest matching outfits for us to wear in photos. 
I still remember being this little girl in my Wonder Woman undies...I think I was 4 or 5 here?
Note the sweet pea-green carpet and matching painted furniture!  I do believe this could be considered 'in style' least in Domino or something that isn't real life...
I'm sure this was taken the same night.  I loved that little blue nightie my mom let me play with, and check out the 'I Love Brian' pin!  Brian is my brother's name, if I hadn't mentioned it.  He is three years younger than me, so he was always up in my business.  Calling for me, wandering into my room, dressed like a trucker, etc, etc...
It's so cute when I think about it now.  Here's a rare shot of us with mom and her parents.  They both died within a few years after this was taken. 
I don't think they liked being in pictures, which is why we have very few.  I wish I would've known them more.  Here's a Christmas pic, look at my precious hair!  I only wish it was that perfect light blonde today.
I cut my own bangs for one christmas, they must have grown back for this one!  Family Christmas shot...the year after, maybe?  I look so much older...
Many years later, my dad became extra goofy, and I started wearing dark makeup and using hair products...yikes!   We were 10 and 13, maybe?
Later on I chopped my hair, my dad looked really really cute, mom was gorgeous as usual, and Brian was growing up so fast!  I think we were 14 and 17 here?  Not sure....
Then it was 2000 and I was 21, Brian was 18..and I wish I was smiling better in this photo! 
And while I don't have a very recent Christmas photo, here is my family at my wedding.  I think we are all looking pretty great for our age, don't you?
Especially my mom, who is 58!  Here she is at my bachelorette party, I hope I take after her FOR REALS.  I'm sure she will kick my ass for posting her age, oh well!
Anyway, I have many many things to post about.  But not tonight, because it's time to have some margaritas!


  1. Margaritas are a MUST! Hope you're having a fabulous birthday. :)

  2. Happy B-day and enjoy the margaritas! Your mom looks fabulous (I'm 59 and my oldest is also 32). We moms are as stunning as the two of you!!

  3. Happy HAPPY Birthday! Fun pictures of good times and many good times ahead.

    Wohoo - margaritas for you!

  4. Happy birthday and congrats on the your pics and those RED HEELS... amazeballs!

  5. happy birthday! what a sweet post this was- i loved it!
    and can i just say i thought you were WAY younger than me. i will be 33 in august and now i am feeling like i look old and icky! you are fabulous and gorgeous!

  6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! My Christopher is turning 32 in 2 weeks!

    Hope you have a great night! :)

  7. You DO all look great. fun photos!!!

  8. OH, Happy Birthday! I beat you to 32 by less than a month.

  9. Your mom doesn't look like she's aged at all over the years! Lucky woman!!

    You also look a lot like you did during your teenage years. Happy birthday, and you have a lovely family!

  10. Happy, happy birthday! And congrats on your recent wedding! So many things to celebrate!

  11. Happy Birthday Sara! :) Loved seeing these old photos - thanks for sharing them. It's funny when you mention the green carpet being "in style" these days... every time I look at the area rug in the peanut's nursery I think to myself "one day I'll look back on pictures of this room when mustard yellow is not so hot in interiors and wonder what I was thinking" haha

    Hope you had a great birthday girl! :)

  12. Happy birthday! It is my birthday too, have fun to tonight.

  13. Happy birthday! Many happy returns of the day :-) (And its not 32, its the third anniversary of your 29th birthday.)

  14. Happy birthday!! I love old childhood photos.

  15. Happy Birthday! I just turned 33 on the 15th! Love the photos. And I actually always thought you were in your mid 20s! 32 looks great on you!

  16. Happy birthday!

    Also, I think we have Xmas stockings made from the same pattern as you guys. My Grandma made ours and I just found the hella hard knitting pattern for them so I can make new ones when newbies come to the fam.

  17. Happy Birthday!! Your mom is adorable. : )

  18. Oh my gosh, in the first several photos your mom looks like a teenager!

    And your family is picture perfect. You guys are all so cute!

  19. Happy Birthday! I love trips down memory lane!

  20. I had those same Wonder Woman underoos! Happy birthday. :)

  21. Better late than never....
    Happy Birthday my dear, I hope you had a great one! xx

  22. Happy Birthday! Love all the pics through the years!

  23. Happy belated birthday! Hope it was the best darn margarita you've ever had :)

  24. Belated Happy Birthday, what a fun post-loved it.

  25. Happy Belated Birthday!!!! Love the family pics though the years! So sweet


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