Tuesday, June 21, 2011

One Project Closer 'Before and After' Series!

I have to sound the alarm that my friends at One Project Closer (Kim, Fred, Jocie, and Ethan) have kicked off their annual Before and After series! If you're not aware of the contest, let me give you some deets...
This is the fourth Before and After series the team have run to raise support and awareness for Habitat for Humanity.  For the contest, people submit a B/A story with pictures and the OPC team will pick the best submission each week.  The weekly winner gets a $50 gift card plus OPC makes a $100 donation to Habitat in their honor.  Isn't that amazing??  The series runs through the summer at which point they will open up the voting for the best entry received. That grand prize winner receives an additional $150 gift card.  Yowsa!  Have you ever found a better reason to submit your project to the band of home-improvers at One Project Closer?  

Check out all the details for the 2011 contest HERE!  And check out my art room submission from last year HERE!


  1. Thanks for the reminder! Now I have extra motivation to finish up the shoe storage thing.

  2. Hurray! Thanks for sharing Sara!

  3. ooo sounds fun. Hey, um, happy birthday, by the way!

  4. Thanks for sharing! Made sure to post it over at time and keep the word spreading!

  5. This is great. I have just the project. I need to transform my bathroom from old crumbling vinyl tile to bathroom flooring magnificence on a budget. The only thing is - based on my usual rate of work, I think I may be more in line for the 2012 contest. Should I plan ahead?



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