Saturday, December 31, 2011

New year, new walls

This week saw completion of the first quarter of our kitchen reno:  electrical and drywall are done and done. This was Wednesday morning: 
Friday night my sweet hubby primed the entire room with a high-quality primer (220 Wall Prep) from Hallman Lindsay.  It was a fabulous product, went on very smooth and covered the wallboard in one coat. 
Here's where it's at today!
Doesn't it look HUGE in there?  Also, these pics were taken with my favorite Christmas present:
The Sigma 10-20mm f/4-5.6 EX DC HSM Ultra-Wide Angle Lens for my Canon Rebel!  This lens is so fabulous, it almost makes me angry.  We can all thank my wonderful mom for the improved pictures on the blog, ok?  In other news, I'm thickening up at an alarming rate....
This was taken at 17 weeks (I'm currently 18) and I've gained 12 pounds so far....yikes!  I'm finally giving in to the maternity clothes at work because regular pants were just killing my belly while sitting all day.  I'm feeling ok, just crying over still-horrible acne and a general feeling of not wanting to do anything.  Wah wah. 
Next week is the big vote is GIRL, and hopefully she stops messing with my hormones very soon!  Have a great New Year's Eve, everyone!


  1. You (and your walls!) look great! Since we're having a girl my vote is for girl, too - bring on the nursery decorating! :)

  2. happy new year!!! nice walls and nice bump! YAY! i can't wait to hear what it is!

  3. ps- i gained 15 lbs my first trimester fro my first pregnancy- i ended up gaining 40 total and then 35 the second time. i lost it both times so don't worry!!!!!!!! just enjoy this time- you can'e ever have it back again. being pregnant with my first was a dream, and being a new mom with my first was a dream, too. love every moment.

  4. Nice bump! Good luck with the ultrasound. Our baby wouldn't show us the goods so we don't know what gender it is (I'm 23 weeks). You are looking good as is the kitchen. I had a huge growing spurt around 21-23 weeks. Look out!

  5. Woot!!!! The room does indeed look very large!

  6. Looking good! Both you and the kitchen that is. Thanks for the heads up on the Hallman Lindsay primer because we're going to be priming hopefully soon and that is where we're getting our stain from.

  7. looking and the kitchen! high fives all around for 2012 babies :)

  8. You look great! I'm going to guess girl for you :-) No reason...just cuz!

    I hear ya on the acne - so annoying eh?!

  9. You look beautiful, as does the kitchen!! Happy New Year to you both...

  10. The kitchen looks great and you and your bump look fabulous :) I'm voting for BOY ;)

  11. Kitchen progress looks great and so do you! Which room is going to be a nursery?

  12. Kitchen progress looks amazing - I love when it starts to look like an actual room again!!

    You look great as vote is a girl!!

  13. the progress on the kitchen is great! i'm gonna vote boy, only because everyone i know is having a girl lately.

  14. Great kitchen space. Hubs is a great man for priming that bad boy of a room up. Happy New Year and my vote is BOY!

  15. looking great! I hope you start feeling not so "blah" soon!

  16. The kitchen is looking great and so are you! Happy 2012...this will be a year you will never forget!

  17. You look terrific!
    (I was in maternity pants at 12 weeks! Gained (seriously) over 50lb total and it was not hard to loose it at all for me. Don't sweat the weight. Baby needs it!)

  18. Wow! So much progress! You guys must be stoked - that is amazing. Happy New Year!

  19. You look radiant!! Enjoy the new year as you get ready for baby and new kitchen...the kitchen will look marvelous!!!

    Hopefully you will reveal the sex of the baby to us...we are dying to know. I hope pink for you...but blue is equally as nice,

    Enjoy your days with the two of you...your life wil change drastically with baby arrival......drastically for the good,I mean.

    Keep posting kitchen progress...we love jealous!!!


  20. Just wondering...what do you do for meals without a functioning kitchen?

  21. Happy New Year! You look great S!!! Can't wait to know the gender! Kitchen looks great so far!

  22. Both you and your kitchen are looking insanely great!!

  23. you look so cute!!! yay for walls, bigger YAY for baby!! :)

  24. Wow, the paint makes a huge difference! It looks so fresh and bright!

    And you look great too -- super-cute dress!

  25. You look gorgeous! And I totally understand how you feel. I did NOT like being pregnant, but you're right. There is a huge prize at the end and you won't care about all this. :)

    I vote girl too! They're so fun. But so are boys. It's a win/win situation!

  26. Anon - we are eating a lot of cereal, frozen meals and stuff we can make on the electric griddle like french toast and pancakes. Not having a kitchen is definitely not helping me keep my weight in check!

  27. Holy hell you are ADORABLE! Tiny little perfect bump. Can't wait for the ultrasound results!! And nursery ideas!


Thanks so much for reading....your comments mean a lot to me!