Thursday, December 3, 2009

Don't worry, I painted it

Because I have posted all these late-summer patio pictures, I feel compelled to share that there has been some 'concealing of eyesores' since then.  The rusty green monster is a bit prettier now, as well as the gas meter and some of the downspouts:
I also took a paint brush to the rain barrel that I got from the city for $30.  It was previously a lovely shade of royal blue, which explains the cheap price.
I used Rustoleum 'rusty metal' spray primer first, which is actually rust colored.  Does anyone else see the humor in that?  Then I followed up with Behr 'Sweet Tea' exterior latex paint which I think blends nicely with the brick.  As for the very expensive firewood we have stacked in that alcove, I'm hoping we will use it all up in the fireplace this winter so I don't have to conceal it, or look at it anymore.  It makes me as mad as waiting 9 months for more freakin episodes of LOST.  Jeez, ABC!


  1. I love that you painted those pieces! They look so much better now and very "designer-chic"

  2. I love your blog! This patio project is awesome, and the way you've converted the house is fabulous! I can't wait to see more!

  3. Very smart indeed. Looks great!

  4. Hi Sara, I found your blog through YHL and have just spent the last few days reading all of your posts. You have done such a great job with your renovations. I was definately feeling more inspired after seeing what you have achieved. Great work!!!!

  5. I'm so sorry to be so late to congratulate you, but cheers to your huge accomplishment! Your patio looks amazing, it's extremely cool that you were featured on YHL and you did it all within a very reasonable budget. Hats off, ma'am!


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