Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The project that wouldn't die

I'm talking about the french doors that are supposed to hang in my entry, but instead have been banished to the basement for the last YEAR after an attempt to strip them failed miserably.  Embarassingly enough, I didn't touch them again after this post where I primed a whole ONE side of each.  You know they've been down there a long time when the best picture I have of them hanging is from right after we moved in, June of 2008:
Oh wait, I have this one too, dated 2/22/09:
All the pictures after this one are sans doors, so maybe it has been more than a year since we removed them?  Either way, I win for biggest procrastination on a project.  Now, we have to get them primed, painted, and hung back up this week
Why?  Because we have decided to tackle the refinishing of the upstairs floors next week, which means we have to be able to keep the cats downstairs.  The only way to do that is to rehang the french doors and close the door to the kitchen/back hall:
Because nobody wants to hear the crazy-renovator-chick screaming bloody murder after she discovers delicate little paw prints in her final coat of poly.  More on the refinishing project later!


  1. Good luck with everything! I may have already mentioned this but I really love your house. French doors in the living room = me totally jealous!

  2. I love those french doors, they'll look great once you finish them.

    Ooh more refinishing wood floors I really can't wait to do ours...yours came out so nice

  3. Wow, french doors. So beautiful! I can't wait to see how they look back in their place in the living room!

    You are just a rambling project machine!

  4. Well on the plus side you have ton a ton of other things around the house. It's not like you've been sitting there eating bon bons and looked at the doors like "whatever you'll get over it, doors!"

    I can't wait to see them!

  5. Yay I can't wait to read your floor posts! We are in the process of ours- fun stuff :)

  6. WOW - those French doors are absolutely to die for!!

  7. You have been very busy doing so much other stuff, I think you have done so much since you've moved in and I still can't believe you go home at lunch time to renovate. I go home at lunch time and watch Oprah! Good luck getting the doors done and the floors. xx

  8. I'm jealous of your french doors! Nothin' like a little motivation to force you to get a project done. :)

  9. Good luck with your doors! I hate to break it to you though - we removed trim for hardwood floor install in June....2008. It went up....last weekend. :\ And patching is still to be done! Now that's a sad record to hold!!

  10. Good luck with that ... I know my cat would find a way out!!!

  11. Good luck with the refinishing....I feel your pain with never ending projects!

  12. love those doors. it'll look great!


  13. our cat walked across our kitchen floor right after the final coat of poly. bad for the floors and for the cat's paws!

    love the doors!


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