Thursday, November 26, 2009


That my wonderful moms (mine and Shaun's) brought ALL the food to my house for Thanksgiving this year. 
That my mom also brought her famous Sangria and the red napkins on our table because I forgot where the rest of my brown ones were.  (We found them later)  
That the Packers won again!
That I don't have to go back to work for three whole days!
That my pajamas have an elastic waist.
That all sorts of cute holiday movies are on tv in rotation.  Elf!  Home Alone!
That me and Shaun are happy and healthy.
That I have such a great family.

And here is my table, plain and simple as predicted in my previous post: 

It was loaded with goodies, and we had such a nice time.  I hope you all had a wonderful day, and Happy Black Friday shopping to everyone!


Thanks so much for reading....your comments mean a lot to me!